12 year old, Pune Boy, designs Ship to remove plastic from Ocean and save Marine Life

The plight and struggle of the aquatic life, trying to survive the waste dumped into the oceans moved 12-year-old Haaziq Kazi to come up with an innovative solution to this world hazard. He designed a prototype of a ship, named ERVIS which can suck out plastic from the ocean surface. Haaziq Kazi is a high-school student from Pune, India known for his project to clean ocean from wastes (primarily plastic).

Ervis Ship

Ervis ship design screengrab as taken from tedx youtube video

The ship is essentially a large boat powered by hydrogen and renewable natural gas with various compartments and saucers surrounding it”. The saucers, float on the surface gravitate to create a whirlpool to pull the waste towards its centre. These saucers will have a central outlet which will swallow the waste and is connected via a tube to various chambers in the ship. These chambers include an oil chamber which collects waste oil. There are four more chambers which are for large, medium, small & micro waste respectively

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